Media Giants defeat Gov. Bryant’s Phillies, but the real winner is Mustard Seed

Media Giants defeat Gov. Bryant's Phillies, but the real winner is Mustard Seed

The Media Giants defeated Gov. Phil Bryant’s Phillies 13 to 5 in the 2013 Home Run for Mustard Seed at Trustmark Park last week. The annual charity softball game on August 7 raised hundreds of dollars and promoted awareness for the non-profit in Rankin County serving special needs adults. The Media Giants players are pictured in the outfield at the home of the Mississippi Braves in Pearl following their first win over the Governor’s Team since 2006.

Photo submitted by Andy Kanengiser of Mississippi College

Happy one-year anniversary!

Well, the one-year anniversary of this blog and the Suburban Digest page is actually May 24, but I’ve been swamped since then. It’s been a little while since I posted something here about the weekly Metro page, so better late than never, right?

The purpose of the Suburban Digest is to provide comprehensive coverage to cities in the Jackson metro area where majority of Clarion-Ledger subscribers reside — Brandon, Byram, Canton, Clinton, Flowood, Madison, Pearl, Ridgeland and Reservoir area. Last spring when Executive Editor Brian Tolley came on board, he talked about Passion Topics (subjects/issues important to readers) and how important it was to provide better coverage of the ‘Burbs. That’s where I came in as the reporter on the newly created suburban beat, to take charge of this effort and maintain the weekly content.

In its first year, the Suburban Digest raised awareness of several things you may not have known were happening in your area. By connecting through social media, emails, countless business cards and city government meetings, I have made so many connections with people living in my coverage areas. If a city mayor and board of aldermen voted on an ordinance that would have significant impact on you, it would appear on the page. If an area school or nonprofit is having an event to raise awareness of an issue, it appeared on the page. If local community groups are making positive changes and advancements, it appeared on the page. The main photo changes every week, alternating among the communities along with the column. We try to show people doing ordinary and extraordinary things every Thursday, and the Quotables section shows what people are saying/thinking regarding important local and national issues and public figures.

The first year was a big learning curve for me, as I went from covering two cities (Canton and Ridgeland for the Madison County Herald) to seven. I am learning a lot about these growing municipalities so the page is the best way to keep up with your city. Every Thursday it’s on the second page in the Metro section and online under the “News” tab at You can follow this blog for extra information, photos, videos, etc. and follow my Twitter account, @Terricha_CL  and follow me on Facebook at to keep up. I appreciate all of the “likes,” views, follows and shares, and I’m ALWAYS open to comments, story/column ideas and tips. If you want to submit an idea, email Please share this post with anyone living in the coverage areas.

You rock!

Brandon Day and other Rankin County events

In May, Brandon, Pearl and Flowood will have lots going on for families and the general public that can get out and enjoy the nice spring weather (hopefully it stays sunny, less rain). Click here to read a Rankin Ledger column with details, and watch this video of the city of Brandon’s press conference for Brandon Day 2013. PS: Brandon’s own Skylar Laine is on the line!

Free dental care for Mississippians in need

Not long ago, the Suburban Digest featured the Mississippi Dental Association’s Mission of Mercy project. The project aims to provide free dental care to as many as 2,000 people this weekend at the Muse Center on the Pearl campus of Hinds Community College. Community volunteers, University of Mississippi dental school students and other groups, services include fillings and extractions and preventive care for adults and children. No proof of income or dental insurance is required.

Here’s some basic information in case you’re looking for a volunteer opportunity or lacking dental insurance to get a simple teeth cleaning:

Volunteers can sign up at or call (601) 664-9795 and speak to project coordinator Michelle Aiken. Volunteers can do many things such as unload trucks and set up the clinic, greet and register patients, give health screenings, serve as translator and help pass out food and drinks. The clinic starts at 6 a.m. and people have been known to line up overnight.

Announcement from Pearl Chamber of Commerce

Attention business owners and area managers: The city of Pearl Chamber of Commerce TODAY has a ribbon cutting at the Chamber office for a free online advertising opportunity. The event will last from 5 to 5:30 p.m.

The online advertising tool, Gobza, is free for businesses and easy to use. It is similar to online purchasing, but business owners are in control of the offer, including discounts, timeline and total number to be sold. With Gobza, a business can place ads 24/7 and receive 100 percent of profits. Go to the event and learn more about Gobza. The chamber office is located at 100 George Wallace Drive in Pearl.