News from the city of Ridgeland: Groundbreaking for Lake Harbour Drive widening project

Hooray! What Ridgeland residents and businesses have waited on for several years is finally here! The city will host a groundbreaking event at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 4, in front of Trace Ridge Baptist Church, 238 Lake Harbour Drive. Parking will be available in the church parking lot – and there’s plenty! 

Lake Harbour Drive is travelled by drivers from all over the metro area on a daily basis. It is a significant east-west route across Ridgeland. The widening project was identified as a critical east-west corridor in the 2003 city of Ridgeland Transportation Plan. The purpose for this project is to provide increased capacity for the road. The city will widen the road to four lanes with a center turn lane from Northpark Drive to Highway 51. The project also includes a multi-use trail and landscaping improvements. 

Special thanks to Sandy Monohan for keeping us all updated!

More volunteers needed for Trekkin the Trace cycling event

The Jackson Metro Cyclists are gearing up for their annual Labor Day weekend ride along the scenic Natchez Trace Parkway. More volunteers are needed for the event and if you or anyone wants to help out, email 

Here is event information about the event from the website,

Come join other fellow cyclists from all over the great State of Mississippi for the last JMC supported ride for 2012, on Sept 3rd. This ride will be on one of the most scenic routes in MS, on the Trace from Old Trace Park in Ridgeland. We will have a short 10mls family route escorted by experienced JMC members going at a slow easy pace on the multiple used trails. For the avid cyclists we do have more routes, up to a 100mls. This ride is a member’s only ride and FREE with three fully stock Rest Stops and SAG provided by Indian Cycle.



If you are not a member it’s easy to sign up. Just click on the Members Signup link then follow the prompts to become a member – it’s only $15. Once done return to the Trekkin the Trace event to register. After the ride we will have a nice family style BBQ and drinks cool down so invite your friends and family members to meet you at the park around 12noon.


Canton Community Choir changed the atmosphere

Last Saturday, I was excited to go to the Canton Farmers Market and watch the Community Choir sing for the first time. I went to a rehearsal not long ago, and could tell the choir was going to do a good job. The main reason why: they want to glorify God and begin the process of reviving the city and uniting the citizens. And praying at the square and around the city is also another way choir members and citizens believe things will turn around. Prayer and song permeated the atmosphere at the market that day, and the spirit of God was definitely there. And, the farmers happily sold their goods and connected with each other, just like small-town Americana. Coming from a big city like Cleveland, Ohio, it’s not often I see people come together with love and on one accord. As a Christian, it’s easy for me to love people with Jesus in my heart. And I love to sing! The choir really blessed me and I joined right in from across the street. Our voices and prayers rang throughout the Square that morning and into the afternoon. Enjoy the video and photos!

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Message from AJ’s Seafood and Steak

Sent by the Flowood Chamber of Commerce this afternoon:

“We have been experiencing some phone issues due to a cut cable down the street from the restaurant. Currently, we have forwarded all restaurant calls to a cell phone. If you had trouble getting in touch with us earlier, it should be fixed now. We are still taking reservations for the weekend! Come see us tonight for the best seafood in town!”

I love yearbooks!

Looking at high school and college yearbooks from decades ago is an exciting thing to do. When I could look back and see how my parents looked as teenagers in the 70s with their huge afros, bell bottom pants and pictures of them in sports or other activities, it makes me wish I grew up in that era. At Clinton’s Quisenberry Public Library, the geneaology room has a small collection of yearbooks and the branch is asking for more. The library is hoping to generate a large collection for people to use in family history research and create a hub for Clinton schools, colleges and universities to be represented. It’s all about local history, and it can be found in a yearbook. Nice and sophisticated hair styles and outfits, unique student clubs, autographs on pictures and business ads of present and long-gone merchants. To donate a yearbook, call project leader Richard Puckett at (601) 966-0333 or email him at

Opening day at Northside-Eastside Elementary schools

On Sunday, I went to the grand opening at the brand new Northside-Eastside Elementary Schools in Clinton. The pictures online didn’t do the building justice because I was so impressed when I walked inside. After some remarks by district leaders and architects/engineers behind the project, guests toured the building. District Superintendent Phil Burchfield said that people could see every area of the school although both sides are exactly alike (with common areas in the center like the gym, cafetorium and media center). Enjoy the YouTube video and photos below! (Sorry about the bright light on Dr. Burchfield, it’s how the lights were shining that day.)

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One owner of Love Irrigation sentenced

One owner of Love Irrigation in Ridgeland will spend the next 29 days on house arrest, according to a report by WLBT. On August 9, Barbara Love was also sentenced to three years probation and ordered to pay more than $15,000 in fines. Her husband Paul Love is scheduled to be sentenced on September 13, according to U.S. District Court records. The couple was charged with improper use of social security numbers and hid the fact they hired illegal workers from immigration agents. The Loves pleaded guilty under a plea bargain. Read my original story in The Clarion-Ledger from November 2011 here.



New Frontage Road open in Ridgeland

A portion of the new East Frontage Road in Ridgeland is now open to motorists. The Mississippi Department of Transportation announced the road between Old Agency Road and Steed Road is open. MDOT worked quickly to finish part of the road in time for the beginning of the school year, and the rest of the road should be completed by November 2014. The diamond interchange at the I-55/Ridgeland northbound exit is complete with more turn lanes and will alleviate traffic congestion.